No Miss U pageant hosting this year: Tourism chief


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By PTV News - EPPosted on May 18, 2018

MANILA — Tourism Secretary Bernadette Romulo-Puyat on Friday bared that the Miss Universe 2018 will not push through as originally planned by her predecessor Wanda Tulfo-Teo.

“Naisip kasi namin na kaka-Miss Universe lang. At saka maliit lang ang budget. Baka hindi muna (We already hosted the Miss Universe pageant quite recently. And besides, we only have a meager budget. Maybe we will forego the hosting for now),” Romulo-Puyat said in a radio interview.

She said they were planning to continue the hosting, but upon discussion, they realized that the budget is “medyo bitin (insufficient).”

“We’ll focus first on other things. Anyway, we just held the Miss Universe (in the Philippines). Maybe we can do it next time, but not this year,” she said.

When asked if the event would push through if the private sector offers to help, Romulo-Puyat said the decision will still be the same.

“We’ll still end up spending, because we need to provide security there,” she pointed out.

If another Filipina Miss Universe is declared, then that would be time they might consider holding the next pageant in Manila, said Romulo-Puyat.

Earlier, Tulfo-Teo said the Philippines was reconsidered by the Miss Universe Organization as its 2018 venue after talks with Beijing reportedly failed due to disagreement on the live airing of the beauty pageant. (PNA)


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