Nompumelelo and Zanele to represent Soweto at this year’s Miss SA


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Gauteng alone has 19 contenders who made it to the semi-finals, with nine from Pretoria.

Soweto's aspiring Queens of SA Nompumelelo Maduna and Zanele Phakhathi. supplied pictures

We are proud to announce that two Soweto’s very own Miss South Africa contestants, Nompumelelo Maduna and Zanele Phakhathi have made it to the semi-finals vying for the title of Miss South Africa 2019.

The 24-year-old, Nompumelelo holds a B Tech Marketing Management from the University of Johannesburg and currently work at a financial institution as a private banker. Maduna ‘s was Miss Earth 2018 (1st runner-up), Miss Rivonia (1st runner-up), Miss Million Dollar (2nd runner-up), Miss Clearwater (1st runner-up), Miss Congeniality Eastgate 2015 and Miss Steeldale.

Let’s get to know Maduna a bit.

Why do you want to be Miss SA and what do you think you will be able to bring to the role?
I want to be Miss SA because I will be a beacon of hope that will inspire and empower generations to come by motivating them that any goal is attainable through hard work and determination. Being a Miss SA will give me the platform and responsibility to continue my role in making a difference through noble acts of kindness and contributing to a sustainable difference. I want to be the voice that will make an impact on our youth.

Who is a previous Miss SA who has inspired you and why?
Bokang Montjane because she entered the pageant in 2009 and during the course of the competition, she decided to go back to University to complete her studies. She entered again in 2010 and won. Bokang has her own foundation that empowers the youth of SA and contributes to the growth of various communities. She is one of the women in SA who have made a positive impact in our country and she continues to do so.

Who are your role models?
Nomzamo Mbatha is an inspiration to me as she is a true agent of change, she is currently a United Nations Goodwill Ambassador and has dedicated herself to helping refugee women and children in Africa. Also Tyra Banks because she is a successful businesswoman and super model. She has empowered many women in building their confidence and helping them pursue their dreams. I am motivated by her perseverance, her drive to achieve greatness and her determination to make other women’s dreams come true.

Tell us a bit more about your family:
I was raised by my mother after my father passed away when I was five years old. I have an older brother who recently got married and he and his wife have blessed me with a precious nephew so I am now officially an aunt.

What do you do in your spare time?
I keep fit and active by playing netball and golf. I also love spending time with my family and friends enjoying a picnic or dinner or at a games night. I am a trainer at The Model Academy where I teach upcoming models about the catwalk, confidence building and etiquette and I enjoy reading and swimming.

Miss South Africa 2019 will be crowned on Women’s Day – what does that mean to you?
To have the Miss SA crowning on such a special day means we celebrate those 20,000 women who in 1956 marched to the Union Buildings to protest against gender inequality and for the liberation of women. So this is the day those women paved the way for the 16 women who will be standing on the Miss SA stage for the 2019 pageant.

Why do you think beauty pageants are still relevant in 2019?
Beauty pageants are still relevant as they are the foundation for many women’s success stories. They open the door to opportunities, build self-confidence and equip women with the necessary skills to lead with compassion and make a significant difference.

Name two of your female role models?
Khanyi Dlomo inspires me because she built her empire at a very young age and raised the South Africa flag high internationally. With all her achievements, she still remains humble. My mother Nomthandazo Maduna has also inspired me. Her determination and hard work have shaped me to be the woman that I am today.

What is your message to young girls and young women in South Africa?
Women form the strongest forces when they work together so we need to support each other and not drag each other down.

If you won the Miss SA crown and was able to meet one person, who would it be?
I would like to meet the Minister of Education Angie Motshega – as I have a passion for education – and let her know that I would be honoured be part of the annual strategic plan for our education system.

What is the one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
People will be surprised to know that I love food, and thanks to the family genes it really doesn’t add any kilograms to my body.

What is the No 1 piece of advice that you would give to your younger self?
Let go of the voice of fear that stops you from doing what you want and believe that anything is possible.

Describe yourself in three words:
Compassionate. Ambitious. Confident.

What are you reading?
Screw It Let’s Do It by Richard Branson and Otliers – The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell

What music are you listening to?
John Legend, Vusi Nova, Kelly Khumalo, Amanda Black, Frank Sinatra and Hugh Masikela.

Your favourite TV show?
Top Billing

Your favourite meal?
Pap, wors and chakalaka.

Who’s your local and international celeb crush?
Local – Maps Maponyane
International – Idris Elba

What’s your guilty pleasure?
Red velvet chocolate cake.

Social media tags:
Facebook: Nompuemelelo Sweli Maduna
Instagram: MissMaduna
Twitter: Mpume26@


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