‘Nothing less than phenomenal’: Rabiya Mateo posts bare-faced video



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APR 25, 2021 3:39 PM PHT RAPPLER.COM


The beauty queen opens up about the pressures of being in pageantry

Miss Universe Philippines Rabiya Mateo went bare-faced on April 25, Sunday and told followers that even in her “simplest form," she is “nothing less than phenomenal.”

The beauty queen opened up about how cruel the world of pageantry can be, adding that she's received several unsolicited comments about her physical appearance.

“I live in a cruel industry. I’m always compared to different girls. People have always something to say like, ‘You’re not beautiful enough. You’re so thin. I don’t like what you wear,'” she said.

“It’s not always what’s attractive to our eyes but it’s the love we choose to build, the connection we make to people and how we want to celebrate ourselves,” she continued.

Posting a video of her without makeup, on Rabiya reminded followers that she's no less amazing without glam . “No make up. No heavy hair extensions. Nothing fancy to wear. Just me. Even in my simplest form, I know in my heart I am nothing less than phenomenal,” she concluded.

Rabiya’s fellow beauty queens also left comments in her post. Miss Universe Australia 2020 Maria Thattil wrote that Rabiya should not worry about comparisons: “You are beautiful in your natural, unique self. Stay confident and glowing from within!”

Miss Grand International 2020 first runner-up Samantha Bernardo said Rabiya is her “own queen.” “Go get that crown for all of us. We believe in you and you don’t need to prove anything,” she wrote.

Since flying to the US, Rabiya has been with pre-pageant activities for the 69th Miss Universe competition. The coronation night is scheduled for May 16 (May 17 in Manila). - Rappler.com



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