NSU nursing student named Miss Louisiana Teen USA



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Ainsley Ross(Source: David West / NSU)

By David West Published: Mar. 7, 2022 at 6:59 PM BRT

NATCHITOCHES, La. - When Ainsley Ross was growing up, she loved watching pageants and even putting on fancy dresses like those who were competing. The nursing major at Northwestern State later found out she was good at competing in pageants by recently winning the title of Miss Louisiana Teen USA.

She will compete for the title of Miss Teen USA later this year.

“This was my second and last time competing for the title of Miss Louisiana Teen USA. I knew it was now or never,” said Ross, who is from Bossier City. “Now that I have competed in pageants, I learned pageantry is more than the dresses. It allows you to become the best version of yourself, have a platform to be able to impact the people around you and learn life skills that you can take throughout all of life.”

Over the next year, Ross plans to make appearances for charity events, host fundraisers and give back to the community.

“I hope to be an example,” she said. “I want to show young men and women that no matter where you come from or who you are, you truly have the power to become whoever or do whatever you want to do in this life.”

Watching the efforts of healthcare workers helped Ross decide to major in nursing. Both of Ross’s parents are in the medical field. Her mother is a Northwestern State alumna.

“I was taught from a young age the importance of taking care of others and loving people,” said Ross. “When the pandemic hit, I watched our healthcare workers on the frontline be our heroes through it all. I decided I also wanted to be a hero in someone’s life and take care of people on some of their darkest days.”

Ross’ schedule was already busy between college, modeling and being a social media influencer.

“I’m still learning every day. I am still working on balancing it all,” said Ross. “I use my planner and Google calendar religiously. I’ve learned to not feel overwhelmed but learn to be grateful for it all. I know there are many women who would do anything to be in my position, so I hope to make the best of my reign.”

According to Ross, she uses her social media posts to encourage others to stay authentic to themselves, live a healthy lifestyle and take care of their mental health.

“I’ve always used social media, like most people, but I really fell in love with the way that I’m able to impact people from all over the country that I wouldn’t be able to without the power of social media,” she said. “Social media can be a dark place that is full of comparison, but I began using it for good. With this title, I hope to continue doing that but bring it to the next level.”

For more information on Miss Louisiana Teen USA, go to https://www.misslouisianausa.com.



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