Officer Sylvorn Lavia To Participate In The Miss SVG Pageant 2019


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April 4, 2019 News784 National 0

With much pleasure and great pride, the Commissioner of Police, Mr. Colin John and the rank and file of the Royal St. Vincent and the Grenadines Police will like to extend congratulations and lend support to Ms. Sylvorn Lavia, who will be vying for the crown at the Miss SVG Pageant 2019.

Sylvorn Lavia is a 22 year old Police Officer from Fancy Village, who is currently attached to the Criminal Investigations Department (CID).

It is our hope that the people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines will join the Royal St. Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force, in supporting this intelligent, elegant, beautiful, enthralling young woman.


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