Pageant Dreams


2001    0

By Dean Geddes I&M Staff Writer Posted at 2:00 AM

(Nov. 5, 2020) Nantucket High School graduate Chelsea Demby will be one of 50 women competing for the title of Miss USA on national television Monday at Graceland in Memphis, Tenn. The 2020 Miss USA pageant will be broadcast live on the FYI network starting at 8 p.m.

There will be swimsuit and evening gown competitions as well as a topical question-and-answer session with the judges for the finalists.

“I would say that anybody who isn’t nervous, there is something wrong with you,” Demby said of competing on national television. “I don’t feel nervous in a way that I don’t think I can do this. I’m very confident, I’ve been preparing for this for over three years now and I’m ready.”

It’s been nearly a year since Demby was crowned Miss Connecticut USA, but due to COVID-19 restrictions she has had to wait to compete nationally in the Miss USA pageant.


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