Pageantry during a pandemic: Miss North Carolina talks about future of the crown


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WFMY News 2's Stacey Spivey caught up with Miss North Carolina about what's in store for the future.

Author: Stacey Spivey (WFMY News2)
Published: 7:20 AM EDT August 7, 2020

GREENSBORO, N.C. — She's beauty, she's grace and she's your Miss North Carolina 2019, but Alexandra Badgett didn't expect to hold that title until June 2021.

"Who knows what's in store. They may think they get one year of the best job in the world, and they get two, so here we are," Badgett said.

Badgett won the title in June 2019 and went on to make it in the top 15 at the Miss America pageant.

Her 2020 started with a calendar full of appearances across the state, but they were all canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The 2020 Miss North Carolina pageant was also canceled. This meant she would hold the title another year. It also meant she'd have to put her life on hold for that time.

"I had a job offer in Houston. I was moving to Texas, you know, I had plans. I've always said one of my favorite sayings is 'We plan, God laughs,'" Badgett said.

Miss North Carolina, Alexandra Badgett
a N E W n o r m . Appearances have officially started back up, and while they may look a little different than before ... I am excited to pick up right where I left off! . I had the honor of sitting on the panel for @naominucia's POWER TALK discussion about sexual abuse.
Local titleholders that would've competed for Miss North Carolina 2020 will still get the chance to compete for the crown next summer.

The board also made it possible for them to still get scholarships they count on for the school year.

Badgett said they're still giving out around $35,000 in scholarships to those local titleholders.

"That's beautiful for girls who were really relying on this organization for their scholarships for this next school year. They'll still be able to continue their education and not be so concerned about finances, and have that financial burden on their shoulders," Badgett said.

Miss North Carolina 2020 is set to be held next June. Whoever wins that title will go on to represent the state in Miss America.


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