‘Palang-Ghana!’: Here’s how Miss Earth 2019 Ghana instantly became a crowd favorite



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By Tyne Villan
October 17th, 2019

Maybe it’s a cultural thing, but we Filipinos have a unique sense of humor. Actually even when we are confronted with difficult situations, we can turn a bad experience into something hilarious. Since we have a penchant for making puns and telling jokes, Ghana’s representative for Miss Earth 2019 Abena Appiah instantly became a crowd favorite because of her…punchlines.

About two weeks ago, the 26-year-old candidate’s introduction went viral after a Facebook user uploaded a short clip of her while speaking with an ABS-CBN News reporter during the October 2 media presentation of the Miss Earth 2019 candidates. When asked if she knows any Filipino words, Appiah unexpectedly delivered a hilarious punchline saying, “Ang batang malakas kumain ay laging may Ghana!”

But, it doesn’t end there.

On Tuesday, Miss Ghana once again incorporated witty Filipino phrases in her introduction. In a now-viral video shared by Twitter user @theAJdeLeon, you’d see her educating the audience regarding the significance of conserving water.

“I want to end by saying water is life. Let’s conserve water by always turning off water faucets. Gumamit ng tabo, timba, at palang-Ghana!” she quipped.

Although the real competition hasn’t started yet, Appiah is already winning everyone’s heart because of her witty remarks—thanks to her beauty queen friend MJ Lastimosa who taught her basic Filipino words!

The Miss Earth 2019 pageant is scheduled for October 26.



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