Palaweña beauty queen to represent PH in Int’l pageant


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By Lara Grace Palay - August 23, 2022

After her impressive performance during the Miss Universe Philippines 2022, Palawan representative Angelica Lopez is bound for a bigger stage as she was chosen to wear the country’s sash in the Miss Asia Global 2022 pageant.

In her Facebook post on Sunday, the 22-year old model and beauty queen confirmed that the Miss Asia Global Philippines organization reached out and picked her to compete in the said pageant, which will be held in Malaysia later this year.

“Greetings to everybody! This morning I got a call from Miss Asia Global Philippines. I have been selected to compete in an international pageant (Ms. Asia Global 2022), which will be held in Malaysia. Indeed, God has a purpose for each of our lives and never stops performing miracles, ” the post said.

She expressed determination to win the crown because her manager has been hospitalized and she wants to help him this way.

“I am dedicating this fight to my dear manager, Kuya Thom Favila, who is currently confined in a hospital because of a stroke. I’m hoping for a successful journey! I can now proudly shout my favorite nation to the entire globe while wearing a Philippine Sash on my shoulder.

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