Patrons embrace Miss Universe change


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BY KEDIESHA PERRY Observer writer Sep 05, 2022 12:12 am·

The top10 finalists in the Miss Universe Jamaica competition held at the AC Hotel Kingston on Saturday evening (Photos: Karl Mclarty)

TOSHAMI Calvin, 26, on Saturday evening was selected to represent Jamaica at the Miss Universe pageant next year.

The occasion, which took place at the AC Hotel in Kingston, saw 20 females facing off in the finals. Come next year, however, the competition will have a different twist. Recently, the Miss Universe organisers relaxed the criteria, making married women and mothers eligible to enter. Previously, only single women, between 18 and 28, who have never been married or had children, were allowed to apply.

For many patrons attending Saturday's event, this is a forward move.

"The modern woman looks like many different things — different expressions. I think if we truly want to provide representation and real inclusion, then I think what they're doing is a good step to make and I'm looking forward to see what that will look like over the next couple of years," Christina Williams, president of the Union of Tertiary Students, told the Jamaica Observer.

Toshami Calvin (centre), newly crowned Miss Universe Jamaica, is flanked by first runner-up Rachel Silvera (left) and second runner-up Shanique Singh at the contest's grand coronation held at the AC Hotel Kingston on Saturday night.

Mechanical contractor Walter Kong equally welcomed the relaxed criteria for the pageant.

"I totally support that. I think that whether you're single, [or] you're a mother you're the same and can be classified in the beauty pageants to represent your country. There should be no distinction between mothers and single women," he told the Observer.

Rohan Silvera, managing director of Aspen Luxury Suites, also endorses the new pageant rules.

"I think it's a very good idea, as it would help to set expectations for younger females coming up. I know that they're pushing empowerment for females and I think it's a really good idea," he said.

Toshami Calvin, 26, being crowned Miss Universe Jamaica by outgoing queen Daena Soares at the AC Hotel Kingston on Saturday.

Meanwhile, Maxine Sutherland, a fashion designer and seamstress, said a move like that has been a long time coming.

"It's the modern day so I don't see why limitations should be placed on who can thrive in a certain space, versus who can't," she told the Observer.

In a previous interview, Miss Jamaica Universe (MUJ) Co-director Mark McDermoth lauded the Miss Universe franchise for the move.

"It is largely positive because women do everything they want. They can be involved in this organisation with so many life-changing aspects. They will have a stronger voice, I feel, and more rounded individuals will be involved. I always thought that the delegates needed more experience, and marriage, in my mind, puts greater responsibility to an individual's life. They juggle a husband, home life, children, if they have any and so much more. But, women have been doing this for years. So the competition would be just one added thing and for me, it adds the element of responsibility. Title winners are better when they have more of the responsibility title to their life. It gives them more strength," he said.

Rachel Silvera (left) holds hands with Toshami Calvin while awaiting the judges to name the winner of the Miss Universe Jamaica pageant. Calvin was subsequently named winner and will represent Jamaica at the Miss Universe pageant in 2023.

Saturday's final also saw Rachel Silvera and Shanique Singh placing second and third, respectively.


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