'PHENOMENAL' Tommy Tiernan Show fans say Miss Universe Ireland Fionnghuala O’Reilly ‘amazing role model’ as she opens up about race



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Dara Browne 7 Mar 2021, 14:51Updated: 7 Mar 2021, 14:54

TOMMY Tiernan Show fans have said Miss Universe Ireland Fionnghuala O'Reilly is an "amazing role model".

The 28-year-old opened up about her experiences living as a bi-racial woman in America and Ireland and told of becoming the first woman of colour to be crowned Miss Universe Ireland.

Fionnghuala began competing in beauty pageants in college and was crowned Miss FresherCredit: rte

Fionnghuala told Tommy about her experiences living in Ireland and AmericaCredit: rte
The NASA datanaut told comedian Tommy Tiernan of her journey through pageantry and said she's had "nothing but great experiences".

Fionnghuala began competing in beauty pageants in college and after being crowned Miss Fresher and winning a scholarship, she decided to take on Miss Universe Ireland.

She said: "I competed in 2019 and I won Miss Universe Ireland and then I got to represent Ireland in Miss Universe.

"There's different levels of the competition, there's the interview, you sit down with the judges and it's a much shorter interview - you have just a few minutes to impress them.

"Then there's the onstage component where you compete in an evening gown and swimwear.

"And then they narrow down the competition to the top five and then they narrow it down to the final winner.

"And when I won, I was the first woman of colour and the first black woman to ever win Miss Universe Ireland."

Fionnghuala said that she felt there was more to beauty pageants nowadays than just judging looks.

She explained: "I think that's one of the great things that has come out of beauty pageants that I've entered.

"For the very first one that I entered, Miss Fresher, there was a scholarship.

"I was in school studying systems engineering and it was great to get this money because I was a broke college student at the time so I put it into a laptop and books and things like that."

Fionnghuala explained that living as a bi-racial woman in Ireland was different to her experience of living in America.

The Kentucky native comes from a family of six girls and is the third eldest.

She said: "On the one hand, I absolutely identify with my mother, with being black, with having the experience of being a black woman in America.


"But on the other side, I have lived other places, not just in America.

"Here in Ireland, I have the experience of being a bi-racial person, a black person in Ireland and that is also unique."

Commenting on being the first woman of colour to win the title of Miss Universe Ireland she added: "I think me winning and being able to share my story as the first black Miss Universe Ireland, that was a phenomenal experience and I'm so proud of that because for at least another little girl who is looking at me, she'll never have to think, 'I couldn't do it', because there was someone that looks like her that did do it."

Fans were astounded by Fionnghuala's honesty and success and took to social media with compliments for the model.

Donal tweeted: "Great interview with Fionnuala. Would have liked to know how she got into NASA. Another Tommy gem! #TommyTiernanShow".

Denise said: "I absolutely love Fionnghuala. She's bright and funny and articulate and impressively self-assured and so smart. And that eye make-up is stunning #TommyTiernanShow"

Fionnuala wrote: "@figoreilly was def too brillant for Tommy - she’s a smart, articulate, amazing woman - Tommy showing his limitations as an interviewer ... maybe a little overwhelmed by her, she still shone! What an amazing role model #tommytiernanshow".

Ciara tweeted: "Fionnghuala O’Reilly, what an amazing woman! @figoreilly #tommytiernanshow"

While another fan added: "Fionnghuala is my new girl crush... her enthusiasm is infectious. She’s got the Irish personality and humour but with the American accent #tommytiernanshow".



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