Philippines Airlines promises Pacific pageant raffle winner a free flight


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July 26, 2018

The Miss Pacific Islands Pageant PNG has received more support for its annual scholarship programme from a commercial airline.
Philippines Airlines has offered a plane ticket as a raffle prize.
The ticket is a return trip for one to the Philippines.
Miss PNG chairperson Molly O’Rourke said the ticket would not be drawn on the project fund night this month but at another fundraising event.
“The prize is a trip to the Philippines and tickets will be sold to promote the airline as well as raise funds for Mpip scholarship fund,” O’Rourke said.
Miss PNG Niawali Twain, pictured, said MPIP PNG was grateful for the airline coming on board as a sponsor.
“This will now enable us to further extend our support in giving women more opportunities to further their education,” she said.
The annual MPIP PNG Project Runway is sponsored by Pacific Balanced Fund and will be staged at Stanley Hotel and Suites in Port Moresby on Saturday.
This is the fourth year the event is being held to showcase the creativity and work of local designers.


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