Philippines' Hannah Arnold to finally compete as Miss International sets finals date, venue


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Earl D.C. Bracamonte - May 25, 2022 | 12:38pm

Reigning Binibining Pilipinas International Hannah Arnold at Binibining Pilipinas' recent grand Santacruzan in Araneta City, Quezon City / Efigenio Toledo IV

MANILA, Philippines — The long wait is finally over!

The 60th edition of the Miss International pageant will unfold on December 13 in Tokyo Dome City Hall in Japan. This was announced by spokesperson Stephen Diaz on his Twitter account and by the organization through their Instagram page.

Sireethorn Leearamwat of Thailand is the longest-reigning winner after being crowned in 2019. The new winner, who will replace her, will be creating a new page in the organization's history.

Established in 1960 in Ginza, the pageant's inaugural winner was Stella Marquez of Colombia, who went on to marry Jorge Araneta, and become the chief executive officer of the Binibining Pilipinas Charities Inc.

The Philippines is the second country, after Venezuela, with the most number of wins at six: Gemma Cruz (1964), Aurora Pijuan (1970), Melanie Marquez (1979), Precious Lara Quigaman-Alcaraz (2005), Bea Rose Santiago (2013) and Kylie Verzosa (2016).

The Miss International pageant is considered as one of four major platforms, alongside Miss Universe (MUO/IMG, USA), Miss World (MWO, United Kingdom) and Miss Earth/Carousel Productions, Philippines).

Reigning Binibining Pilipinas International Hannah Arnold, who pundits consider as a formidable frontrunner, will be the country's representative to the much-awaited year-end event. The pageant was canceled in 2020 and last year due to the global pandemic. Stay tuned!


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