Philippines hopes to host Miss Universe, have pageant coincide with reopening of Boracay


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The winner of Miss Universe 2017, Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters, recently visited the Philippines, sparking excitement that the country could be next to host the pageant. Picture: AP

It is 2018 but, unfortunately, that doesn’t mean the search for “The World’s Most Desirable Man” or most “Confidently Beautiful” woman is over, and it looks like the next winners of these prestigious titles will be decided upon in the Philippines.

Yes, the country is preparing to host the next Mr World and, reportedly, Miss Universe competitions.

Tourism Secretary Wanda Teo reportedly said there was a 90 per cent chance of the 2018 edition of the Miss Universe pageant being held in the country, according to an article in The Philippine Star newspaper on May 7. Teo also expressed interest in hosting the competition on the currently closed Boracay, hoping to time it to coincide with the island’s reopening. Because nothing says “open for business” like a bevy of “confidently beautiful” women parading around in bikinis! Even in 2018.

Despite Teo’s optimism, the Miss Universe Organisation has yet to announce the venue for this year’s pageant. Mr World 2019 is expected to be held in Manila in January.


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