Photos show the dresses of Miss USA winners over the years


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November 9, 202002

The Miss USA pageant will be broadcast live on Monday evening at 8 p.m., and current defending champion Cheslie Kryst will hand down the crown.
When the Miss USA pageant began in 1952, winners were often crowned in ornate bathing suits.
Later in the decade and into the 1960s, many Miss USA winners wore fur scarves and long gloves to accept their crowns.
The participants now have their moments of victory in evening dresses, often in vivid colors and decorated with crystals, floral details or fringes.
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When the Miss USA pageant began in 1952, winners were crowned in ornate bathing suits.

That changed in the 1960s, when the winners posed for their crowning moments in long dresses with gloves and fur scarves over their shoulders.

Miss USA winners continued to take the stage in flashy evening gowns – but styles have changed over the years, with some pageant queens wearing crystal-studded dresses and others opting for fringes or unique silhouettes.

Cheslie Kryst, who was crowned Miss USA in 2019, took her title in a white dress with a thigh-high slit and a gold chain on the shoulder. On Monday, viewers can watch her hand over the Miss USA title to the next winner.

Here’s a look back at the outfits Miss USA winners wore.


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