Pikeville native wins title of Miss Kentucky Teen USA 2019



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Posted: Tue 7:14 PM, Jan 29, 2019 | Updated: Tue 8:15 PM, Jan 29, 2019

PIKEVILLE, Ky. (WYMT) - A Pike County native won big in a state-wide competition this weekend.

Many are shocked to believe this is John's first pageant she has ever competed in.

"I kept a positive mindset and I prayed a lot," recalled Johns. "Everyone asked me if I am religious because before I went on, every single time I would pray 'Dear Lord, please don't let me fall. Please let me do good. Just keep with me through this whole thing.' I prayed like 30 times each night," added Johns.

She told WYMT, she was nervous but she says God helped guide her to victory.

"The thing that went through my mind is, God is so great. He is the reason I got through this. He is the reason that I won," said Johns.

Johns explained, other girls should compete. Even if it is their first time. She says the experience was a confidence-booster.

"I would tell them to go do it. Especially with me, I was very self-conscious before I did this pageant. Just basically about the same thing every girl is conscious about like their stomach, their hair, their face, just anything like that," explained Johns. "This pageant has given me so much self-confidence within myself," she continued.

An official date has not been set for Miss Teen USA 2019 but competition organizers say the event is usually hosted in May or June.

"Any girl that's wanting to do it, I think they should definitely go for it," said Johns.

Johns competed in evening gown, fitness wear, opening number, on-stage questions, and interview.

Another notable mention is Miss Kentucky USA 2019 winner Jordan Weiter.

She is a senior at the University of Kentucky.

Weiter is 21 years old and studying mechanical engineering.



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