Police Arrest Organiser Of Miss Rwanda Beauty Pageant Over Alleged Sexual Assault



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The suspect was facing charges that he allegedly committed offences against former contestants of Miss Rwanda at various times.

by Tobias Sylvester - April 27, 2022

Police has arrested a former musician and organiser of Rwandan beauty pageant, Dieudonne Ishimwe, over sexual assault accusations.

Rwanda Investigation Bureau (RIB) spokesman, Thierry Murangira, told AFP that the suspect who is popularly known as Prince Kid, was taken into custody on Tuesday over alleged “sexual assault-related crimes”.

Murangira said that the 36-year-old suspect was facing charges that he allegedly committed offenses against former contestants of Miss Rwanda at various times.

The case will be referred to the prosecution “in due time”, Murangira added.

Ishimwe is the head of Rwanda Inspiration Backup, the company behind the annual Miss Rwanda pageant.

His arrest comes after the organization announced last week that a former Miss Rwanda had resigned as communications director after four years with the company.

Miss Rwanda debuted in the global Miss World competition in 2016, according to its website. It bills itself as the East African country’s leading beauty pageant.



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