Police officer captures Miss Germany title



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Brad Hunter

February 25, 2019

Cybercrime detective Nadine Berneis wins Miss Germany. MISS GERMANY/INSTAGRAM

In a Teutonic twist of titillation, a police officer was crowned Miss Germany over the weekend.

Nadine Berneis, 28, was the last woman standing of 9,500 hopefuls to capture the title Sunday and is taking a six-month leave from her day job to perform her duties, which will include plenty of travel.

Berneis works as a detective in the cybercrimes unit.

Cybercrime detective Nadine Berneis has been named Miss Germany. INSTAGRAM

The gap-toothed beauty told contest judges she moved from home at a young age to pursue her dream of being a cop.

“I would recommend to everyone to do that, to leave home at an early age to develop self-independence without parents,” she said, adding she started doing crowd control and regular police work before moving to cybercrimes.

Next stop for the cutie pie cop is the helicopter squad.

Cybercrime detective Nadine Berneis on the job. She has been named Miss Germany. MISS GERMANY/YOUTUBE

Her pageant win creates a little competition for another female copper who was called “Germany’s most beautiful” police officer.

Adrienne Koleszar, 34, rose to digital fame — nearly 700,000 followers on Instagram — for her seductive poses but is now back on the beat.

Her bosses told her she could be an Instagram star or a cop but not both. She chose the uniform and returned to the streets in January.

Germany’s other hot cop Adrienne Koleszar was told it was Instagram or the badge. She chose the badge. INSTAGRAM 



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