President Ramkalawan receives Miss Seychelles 2020


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24 December 2020 | Culture

President Wavel Ramkalawan accompanied by the First Lady, Mrs Linda Ramkalawan and the Vice-President Mr Ahmed Afif received Miss Seychelles 2020, Miss Kelly-Mary Annette at State House this morning.

Miss Annette was accompanied on her courtesy visit at State House by two members of the newly formed organization ‘Beauty Empowerment Seychelles’ (BES) Chairperson, Ms. Samina Morel and the Vice-Chairperson Mrs. Margaret Raguin representing the organisers of the pageant.

President Ramkalawan congratulated her on winning the Miss Seychelles National Pageant and commended the 10 contestants of the 2020 pageant for their courage and confidence to join the pageant. He described them as leaders in their respective fields and urged them to engage with partners and the community to ensure that they make a positive contribution in the community.

The President also thanked the organisers for grooming the contestants and making sure that the pageant is not merely a beauty competition but rather a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. From there Miss Annette explained to the President more on her project for the pageant which is devoted to the psychological and emotional well-being of orphans and single parents, especially those whose loved ones have passed away.

The Miss Seychelles delegation thanked the President for welcoming them to State House and shared with him details of their respective projects and the contributions they would like to make for the benefit of Seychelles.

Miss Annette an Economist by profession, who also won the 'Miss Talent' title, which was one of 10 additional awards presented during the pageant, will be representing Seychelles, at the next Miss World beauty pageant.

Also present was the first princess Shannen Henrie and the second princess, Elsia Françoise.


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