Queen of the quick recovery! Miss Belgium 2020 takes a tumble during live final and loses her strapless bra - before walking off like nothing happened



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Celine Van Ouytsel from Antwerp, competed in Miss Belgium 2020 this weekend
Miss World contestant, 23, fell onstage and lost her strapless bra but still won
The blond beauty praised by fans after she walked off as if nothing happened


PUBLISHED: 15:27 GMT, 13 January 2020 | UPDATED: 15:56 GMT, 13 January 2020

A beauty queen was still crowned Miss Belgium 2020 after she fell onstage and lost her strapless bra during the pageant over the weekend.

Celine Van Ouytsel, 23, from Herentals, conquered the hearts of fans when she picked herself up after an embarrassing fall during the live beauty pageant, and gracefully walked off, leaving her strapless bra - which she had lost during the awkward stumble - on the floor behind her.

The law graduate, who was wearing a white and blue glittery gown, dusted herself rapidly after tripping on the last set of stairs leading to the stage after her introduction.

She gave the crowd a cheerful smile throughout the remainder of her time onstage, and still went on to win the contest, proving you can always recover from a topple.

Since then, the video has been making the rounds on social media, where it's been watched thousands of time around the world.

Celine Van Ouytsel, 23, from Antwerp, was crowned Miss Belgium 2020 after suffering an embarrassing fall during the live event and losing her strapless bra in the process

Celine lost the strapless bra she wore underneath her white and blue shimmery gown in the fall

The beauty queen quickly picked herself up and continued with her walk around the stage after her tumble

In the clip, poor Celine can be seen tripping on a step and landing on her knees, but springs back up in an instant, composing herself.

As she walks off, arms opened and a defiant smile on her face, eagle-eyed fans noticed that Celine's white padded bra had slipped from her bust to the floor during the fall.

After winning the show and later told a VTM News reporter covering the pageant: 'I just had to get up again, as you so often do in life.'

Celine's fans praised her resilience on social media after the pageant aired over the weekend.

Celine went on to win the competition, which aired over the weekend, and will compete in this year's Miss World contest

The Miss Belgium contender managed to smile and carry herself graceful after the embarrassing tipple

'Win every situation, rise when u fall,' said one, sharing a video of the fall.

'She is a fighter,' said another, while another said they admired her 'confidence'.

Celine is now a contender for Miss World, and will take part in the international pageant, which is in its 70th anniversary year.

She also won Miss Antwerp 2020 before her Miss Belgium stint, where she succeeded last year's winner's Elena Castro Suarez, who crowned her during the programme.

Miss World 2020 will be held in Thailand this year, after it was hosted at London's ExCel centre last year.



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