Rabiya Mateo asks pageant fans: Hair up or down?



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Published May 2, 2021, 10:57 AM by Robert Requintina

Help Miss Universe Philippines Rabiya Mateo decide what hairstyle suits her face.

Should Rabiya wear her hair down or drop during the grand coronation of the 69th Miss Universe Competition which will be held in Hollywood, Florida on May 16 (May 17 in Manila).

On Instagram May 2, Rabiya wrote: “I’ve been doing my own hair and make up and together with my team, we were experimenting on different looks. Which among these looks do you think suits me best?”

For the past months, Rabiya has been experimenting her looks for the Miss Universe competition in various photo shoots.

From swimwear to evening gown, the Filipino beauty queen is glammed up for the prestigious beauty pageant.

Some of the comments:

“Hair down my Queen”

“Hair down tas kulot parang nung prelims at finals ng MUP”

“You look good at everything but nothing beats your MUP Preliminary Interview look! That’s simply the best”

“Hair down, with big curls”

“Hair down with those big waves, but for swimsuit either the ponytail for clean look or down but straight. Good luck. You are beautiful either way. Just be yourself and have fun”

Should Rabiya wear her hair up or down on the Miss Universe stage? Share us your thoughts!



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