Rabiya Mateo 'full of joy' after homecoming



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Published July 16, 2021 1:43pm

Photo: Rabiya Mateo/IG

Rabiya Mateo took to Instagram to express her gratitude after her homecoming at the Hilton Manila hotel on Wednesday night.

The Miss Universe Philippines titleholder shared beautiful photos of herself clad in a brown dress, surrounded by gorgeous flower arrangements.

"My heart is full of joy yesterday seeing our friends from the media," the Ilongga beauty queen said.

"Also, I would like to thank the whole Miss Universe Ph Org, my family and loved ones especially to my babies (RABIYANATICS) who sent their special message," she added.

Rabiya also expressed her excitement in meeting the candidates for the upcoming Miss Universe Philippines 2021 pageant.

Earlier this month, Rabiya returned to the Philippines after flying out to Florida to compete in the Miss Universe pageant last May.

Rabiya bowed out early in the competition, finishing as part of the Top 21. —Kaela Malig/JCB, GMA News



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