Red Velvet To Hold Send-Off Party For Miss Wyoming


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TJ Parks, Outliers News POSTED ON AUGUST 24, 2018

(Sheridan, Wyo.) Red Velvet will be holding a send-off party for Miss Wyoming Beck Bridger this Saturday from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. before she embarks on her journey to vie for the position of Miss America.

Bridger has been training daily for the pageant—going to the gym as early as 5 in the morning, receiving vocal coaching from a Broadway alum, and studying up on recent politics. Despite all of her preparation, Bridger admits that she’s new to pageants and still isn’t entirely sure what to expect in the coming weeks.

“I am coming in not really knowing what the heck I’m doing, to be quite honest,” Bridger said. “But it is a time for me to really have a voice, and time for, maybe, girls who have not done pageants their whole lives to step in and really show their intelligence, their talent, and their authenticity.”

The concept of Miss America 2.0 excites Bridger.

“Now it is Miss America 2.0, and I couldn’t be more excited to hop in there at a new time when the organization is going through changes, and we really are embracing this authentic woman that we want to represent,” Bridger said.

As a contestant in a just-launched Miss America 2.0, Bridger could have a great deal of influence in what defines a “Miss America.” She is striving to change the perceptions that people have about what it means to be a Miss America contestant.

“It is more about authenticity [than it is] wearing a crown and being beautiful,” Bridger said.

Bridger has already seen the effect that this has had on some of her fans.

“People reach out to me over social media, and they say, ‘I so appreciate your authenticity, and you are really shining a light that’s so bright. We are all a part of it,’” Bridger said. “Those kinds of messages are just so amazing to me.”

Bridger’s send-off party will feature hors d’oeuvres and music. Bridger predicts that most attendees will come in semi-formal attire.

“I would love for people to come dressed up just so that they can have some fun,” Bridger said. “City nightlife is what we’re going for. Fun and hipster vibes.”


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