Reminiscing Over His Pageant Days, President Trump Highlighted a Time Miss Ukraine Won the Miss Universe Title. Except a Miss Ukraine Never Has


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Miss Ukraine 2011, Olesia Stefanko, participates in the swimsuit competition of the 60th annual Miss Universe beauty pageant, held at the Credicard Hall in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on September 12, 2011. Yasuyoshi Chiba—AFP/Getty Images

(WASHINGTON) — And the crown goes to … not Miss Ukraine.

President Donald Trump was recalling his days as the owner of the Miss Universe pageant Wednesday as he and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy made remarks before their private meeting. “It’s a great thing,” he said of his pageant days. “And we had a winner from Ukraine.” But a Ukrainian woman has never won the Miss Universe title.

Several made the top 10 during Trump’s tenure at the pageant, which he bought in 1996 and sold in 2015. But none took the prize in the pageant’s history, which dates to 1952. Ukrainian Olesia Stefanko (pictured above) was first runner-up in 2011.

P.S. Miss News:

Mr. Editor


Justine Pasek, Miss Universe 2003, was born in Ukraine.



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