Robben Island to host 10 Miss SA finalists


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11 September 2020, 7:46 AM | Mlamli Maneli | @SABCNews

Image: SABC News

Cape Town will host Miss South Africa 2020 in October.
Robben Island will on Friday play host to the 10 Miss South Africa finalists currently visiting Cape Town.

The Mother City is gearing up to host the 2020 event on October 24 at a venue still to be announced.

Organisers say the pageant remains a beacon of hope despite the challenges posed by COVID-19.

Many aspects, such as entries to judging were done virtually.

Mayor Dan Plato met the 10 finalists at an event on Thursday.

Plato says the city is rolling out the red carpet to them.

“We accept them with open arms, they will spend some time in the Mother City, they will tour around, do some sight seeing and we love that as well. Many of them are from other provinces and so on, but at the end of the day, what it meant for our economy, what it meant for our small businesses, it’s a lot and this for me is the beginning of the recovery of Cape Town’s economy.”


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