Roleen Mose to represent Kenya in Miss Supranational


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By Stevens Muendo | June 09, 2022

US-based Kenyan model Roleen Mose.

Fast-rising US-based Kenyan model, Roleen Mose left Nairobi on Wednesday ready to represent Kenya in the annual Miss Supranational pageant to be held in Malopolska, Poland.

The 19-year old who holds several international titles including the Miss Texas Teen US finals will be joining other world beauties in Poland on June 26 for the competition whose winner will be crowned on July 15.

“I am flying straight to the US to prepare after which I will head for the competition. I should be able to communicate to you while there and keep you updated,” she said.

The college student majoring in Bachelor of Fine Arts in Screen Acting and New Media will be the first-ever Kenyan to be crowned Miss Supranational should she win the title.

Miss Supranational is a pageant system meant to inspire aspirational women and is one of the big five International pageant families; others are Miss Universe, Miss World, Miss International and Miss Earth.

“I started a project Woman Without Limits, where I encourage women to be limitless by investing in personal growth as well as educating them on how mental health ties to personal growth.

Within this project, I created an Instagram mini-project, The Heart-to-Heart series. I have been lucky to host title holders from all over the world to speak on how they handle challenges,” she said.



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