'Roller coaster of ups and downs': Beatrice Gomez looks back on Miss Universe journey



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ABS-CBN News Posted at Dec 21 2021 03:02 PM

MANILA -- It's been a week since Beatrice Gomez started her quarantine in the Philippines, following her Top 5 finish in the 70th Miss Universe pageant in Israel.

In an Instagram post on Tuesday, the Filipina beauty queen took the opportunity to thank all those who have helped her in her Miss Universe journey, which she described as "very challenging."

"It has been a roller coaster of ups and downs since my Miss Universe Philippines stint and I must say, this experience has taught me a lot especially about myself," Gomez said.

"The road to Miss Universe wasn't as easy or as amazing as some people assume it to be. It took sleepless nights, unending hours of work, dedication and sacrifice," she added.

Aside from her "very strong and patient team," Gomez also thanked her family, friends, and supporters, and even those who "didn't believe I could make it."

"Every single one of you has given me the strength and perseverance to go through the toughest of challenges during my time in the Philippines all the way to Israel," she said.

"As I continue on with my quest as Miss Universe Philippines 2021, I want to bring you along with me in this very fruitful journey so we can see it through together."

With her Top 5 finish, Gomez was able to continue the Philippines' impressive Miss Universe streak.

The country has placed in the semifinals since 2010, highlighted by the title wins of Pia Wurtzbach (2015) and Catriona Gray (2018).



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