Rutendo Chifamba in bid to be first black woman crowned Miss Universe Australia


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Miss Universe Australia SA winners. Keava Hopper, Rutendo Chifamba and Dominique Chehade. Picture Sarah Reed

Antimo Iannella, Adelaide Confidential, The Advertiser
April 19, 2018 10:30am

ZIMBABWE-born teenager Rutendo Chifamba has set her sights on becoming the first black woman to be crowned Miss Universe Australia.

Ms Chifamba, 18, Dominique Chehade, 21, and Keava Hopper, 21, have been selected to represent SA at the beauty pageant’s grand finale in Melbourne in June.

“This isn’t just for me, it’s a reminder for all the girls and guys out there with dark skin that skin colour should never be a barrier to your future and your opportunities,” Ms Chifamba said.

A law student, Ms Chifamba was two years old when she emigrated with her family to Australia, growing up in Port Pirie before moving to Adelaide for her studies.

“Australia is my home now. We’ve had our struggles where people have looked down upon us but ... the negative things are nothing compared to all the positives,” she said.

The trio will look to emulate Adelaide’s Olivia Rogers, who took out last year’s national final.


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