Rwandan Gov’t suspends Miss Rwanda pageant over alleged sexual assaults


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The suspension is to enable effective investigations

(RIB) already arrested one of the suspects

By Namutebi Phiona 11 May 2022 - 11:03 Courtesy photo

As the Rwandan government continues to carry out investigations into the alleged cases of sexual abuse in the Miss Rwanda competitions, it has suspended the pageant until further notice.

This follows the arrest of an official called Dieudonne Ishimwe, commonly known as Prince Kid, the Chief Executive Officer of Rwanda Inspiration Backup which organizes the Miss Rwanda competition.

Prince Kid was arrested over alleged sexual exploitation of contestants who participated in the Miss Rwanda competition.

According to the statement released by the Rwandan Ministry of Youth and Culture, the suspension is purposely to enable the Rwanda Investigations Bureau (RIB) to carry out effective investigations.

The sex scandal that rocked Miss Rwanda came to light after the 2022 Miss Rwanda, Nshuti Divine Muheto, spoke out and shared a recording of Ishimwe soliciting sexual favors.


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