Sakhile Sibanda eyes Miss World Zimbabwe


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Published: 03 December 2017

PROMISING Bulawayo-based actor cum model Sakhile Sibanda considers the sky to be the limit in her endeavours to grow her modelling career as she is set to test her ability next year by auditioning for the country's prestigious pageant, Miss World Zimbabwe.

The 23-year-old unheralded model might not be known to many from the ramp, but movie fanatics and theatre lovers are familiar with her as she is part of the cast in two Christian movies, Hades no Prevail and Accusations.

Even though Sibanda defines herself more as a commercial model, she said she was not afraid to taste the other side of the ramp.

"I know I am new and still green in this modelling industry but it is my desire to challenge myself in a bigger way by auditioning for the prime pageant, Miss World Zimbabwe," she said.

"From my survey, I have discovered that the world of modelling is challenging, interesting and needs more hard work and dedication, and one needs to be adventurous and a risk taker to make it."

Sibanda said she draws her inspiration from her mother who always encourages her to be off life's comfort zone.

"My mother is a strong woman who always encourages me to do better in life. She is my role model," she said.

She describes herself as a goal getter, reserved and quiet, with a big heart to help and bring smiles to other people in society.

Other facts

Height: 1, 66 metres

Waist: 27cm

Favourite Food: Macaroni cheese

My other talents: Acting, singing and choreography.

Loves travelling, trying new things and meeting new people.

- the standard

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