Samantha Bernardo having a grand time in Phuket


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Published April 4, 2021, 7:11 AM by Robert Requintina

Samantha Bernardo (2nd from left) and other winners of Miss Grand International 2020

Miss Grand International 2020 first runner-up Samantha Bernardo is still in Thailand enjoying the sights and sounds of this stunning Asian destination.

“I can’t believe that time flies so fast and we are all getting closer each day. I will surely miss these amazing and beautiful ladies!” said Bernardo as she shared photos with the other winners of the pageant on social media.

Bernardo said that it’s her third visit to the famous Thai island.

“Third time here at Phuket, Thailand but still a lot of attractions to visit. Thank you @goodforrestphuket and @baanarjor for our fresh, delicious and #AmazingThailand lunch and merienda!” the beauty queen from Palawan said.

She also said that she and her sister queens enjoyed the food and accommodation.

Have a grand time ladies!


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