Samantha Bernardo leaves for Thailand to vie for Miss Grand International 2020


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Published February 24, 2021, 7:59 AM by Robert Requintina

Samantha Bernardo leaves today, Feb. 24, for Bangkok, Thailand to represent the Philippines at the Miss Grand International 2020 pageant which will be held on March 27.

Bernardo, of Palawan, is the first Filipina to compete in a live international pageant since the lockdown began. She was personally handpicked by Binibining Pilipinas organization to vie for the title.

“Today, as I travel to Bangkok, Thailand I know that I am not alone. This country dearly holds a special place in my heart. I have my whole country across my heart to support me and I know that you are guiding me, Papa. This one’s for you. We all miss you and love you. Happy birthday in heaven!” Bernardo wrote on Facebook.

This is the third time for Bernardo to compete in Bb. Pilipinas before she was chosen for Miss Grand International pageant. So far, no Filipino has won the Miss Grand International pageant since its inception in 2013.

In these photos, Bernardo is wearing a modern take on the Chut Thai, the traditional garment of Thailand created by Cyrus Gueta Couture.

The ivory color symbolizes elegance and purity, embellished with clear glass beads and crystals that denotes wisdom and compassion which are Buddhist virtues.

The accent of gold is to attract good fortune and abundance. The lines and color were made clean and simple to bring out the beauty of the Filipina skin. To complete the look, her hair is adorned with a gold ornament.


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