Samantha Bernardo shows off her #GRANDnadaWalk in Miss Grand International swimsuit competition


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Published March 21, 2021 10:33am

Samantha Bernardo slayed the Miss Grand International 2020 during the swimsuit competition with her signature #GRANDnadaWalk.

On social media, the Filipina beauty queen posted a video of herself doing her signature walk clad in an aqua blue swimsuit and thanked her team.

"#GRANDnadaWalkBig thank you to the best catwalk trainer George Garrido, and guidance of tito Rodin Flores, and of course, to coach Angelo Mendez of @goldsgymphilippines," Samantha wrote in the caption of her post, tagging her trainers.

On Instagram Sam's trainer Mommy Gie posted her #GranadaWalk and expressed how proud he was of Sam.

On Feb. 9, Binibining Pilipinas announced that Samantha would represent the Philippines at the pageant, held in Thailand. Later that month, she arrived in the Land of Smiles to fulfil her official duty of representing the country in Miss Grand International.

The coronation event is on March 27 — next week! — Jannielyn Ann Bigtas/LA, GMA News


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