Sarawak keen to host Miss Int’l Final in 2024


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From left: Raymond, Snowdan and Tay at the press conference.

By Wilfred Pilo May 10, 2023

KUCHING, May 10: The State Director For Miss International Sarawak Dato Raymond Jolly, says there was already interest in the international final of the Miss International Pageant to be held in Malaysia in 2024

He said the international organiser in Japan had verbally agreed to bring the pageant event to Malaysia, and Sarawak is keen to be the host for Malaysia.

“They had spoken to our national director of Miss International in Malaysia to bring the event out of Japan to our country, so we don’t need to bid for it,” he said.

He told reporters this after the launching of Miss International Malaysia Sarawak by Deputy Minister of Tourism, Creative Industry, and Performing Arts Datuk Snowdan Lawan at Waterfront Hotel here today.

“However, this year (2023), the Miss International Pageant final as always will be in Tokyo, Japan,” Raymond revealed.

He said that Sarawak is keen to hold the national-level Miss ‘International Pageant, but it depends on the national franchise holder and the ministry.

“If given the green light, then the national final will be in Sarawak”, he said.

Meanwhile, at the same press conference, Snowdan said Sarawak would propose and is keen to host the international final for Malaysia in 2024.

He said it is the third most prestigious pageant event after Miss Universe ad Miss World.

“We want to bring participants from as many as 80 countries to Sarawak as our government is very open to such event held here

“This is big international exposure for Sarawak, and that is what we want. We would be meeting the national director of the Miss International Malaysia tomorrow,” he said.

Also present was Miss International Malaysia 2022, Giselle Tay. — DayakDaily

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