SA's Miss World hopeful to raise awareness with ‘Beauty with a Purpose’ campaign


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Cape Town - Sasha-Lee Olivier is not only beautiful and glamorous but she has a big heart as well. The current Miss World contestant is coming to the Mother City this Monday. She is expected to be in town for a few days to raise awareness for her campaign Miss World ‘Beauty with a Purpose’ #ItsnotYourFault.

Olivier was born and raised in Alberton, Gauteng. This year, she was voted as one of the most beautiful women in the country at the Miss South Africa competition.

The stunning brunette plans to visit Kensington police station to distribute Rape Comfort Packs. As a victim of sexual abuse herself, Olivier has decided to support, help and inspire boys, girls, women and men who have gone through the same experience.

“I want to use my slogan #ItsNotYourFault to show both women and men that they are in no way to blame for what has been done to them,” said Miss South Africa.

She is determined to use the stage that has been provided by Miss World to assist women and men who are survivors of the same abuse.

Sasha-Lee said one in three women in South Africa has had some form of unwelcome sexual encounter before the age of 15 and it's a shocking statistic which she's part of.

Olivier plans to reach out to people who went to police stations to report sexual assault cases. The Alberton beauty said she wants to support the survivors because that is when they feel powerless or exposed. Even though Olivier admits that there’s a shortage of medical rape kits, she is determined to assist women and men emotional as it is something she wished for on her case.

“This means the woman or girl (or boy or man) has to sit with the feel, smell and semen of the attacker still on and in them, unable to wash or change until evidence is taken from them. They could wait traumatized for hours,” said Olivier.

“I hope these Rape Comfort Packs provide many basic hygiene products, a teddy bear, sugar, and a personalised card assuring them the attack is not their fault and offering a moment of dignity to the wounded soul in what could possibly be the worst moment of their lives,” she said.

“I want those assaulted to know they are not alone; that they are seen and heard and that their dignity has not been impaired because they have been sexually assaulted,” added the beauty pageant.

Olivier will be representing South Africa at this year’s Miss World pageant on December 14 in London.


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