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Monday, December 17, 2018 13:19

Tamaryn Green (R) of South Africa speaks while host Steve Harvey listens during the interview of top three finalists of the 2018 Miss Universe Pageant in Bangkok ~ Getty Images

Miss SA Tamaryn Green has made South Africa proud, earning her spot in the Miss Universe top 3 next to Miss Philippines and Miss Venezuela.

Tamaryn was crowned runner-up as Miss Philippines, Catriona Gray, took the crown.

The twenty-four-year-old, from Paarl in the Western Cape, represented South Africa against contestants from 93 other countries.

The local beauty queen looked like a dream on pageant night in a shimmering silver dress.

In the build-up to the big day fans watched Tamaryn take to the stage in the national costume competition as well as the crucial preliminary round.

Former Miss Universe Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters was met with cheers from the crowd when she placed the crown on the head of her successor.

Catriona is the fourth Filipina to be named Miss Universe. According to AP the office of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte was quick to congratulate the winner.

"Ms. Gray truly made the entire Philippines proud when she sashayed on the global stage and showcased the genuine qualities defining a Filipina beauty: confidence, grace, intelligence and strength in the face of tough challenges," he said in a statement from the presidential palace.

"In her success, Miss Philippines has shown to the world that women in our country have the ability to turn dreams into reality through passion, diligence, determination and hard work."


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