Sasha-Lee Olivier's crowning as the 'new Miss SA' confuses Mzansi


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16 January 2020 - 13:00 BY CHRIZELDA KEKANA

Sasha-Lee Laurel Olivier has taken over the Miss SA 2019 duties from Zozibini Tunzi.
Image: Supplied by Miss SA

Mzansi's knowledge of beauty pageant rules came under the spotlight on Wednesday after newly-crowned Miss SA 2019 Sasha-Lee Laurel Olivier stepped into the role, after Zozibini Tunzi took up her duties as Miss Universe.

Sasha-Lee was officially crowned on Wednesday during a swanky ceremony in Johannesburg. This comes as Zozibini is living a dream come true in the US after scooping the prestigious title in December 2019.

While many people were excited and happy for the Alberton-born beauty, others seemed to be confused as they were “kinda” hoping that Zozi would retain both crowns.

Except, that is impossible. The few tweeps who portrayed traits of negativity towards Sasha-Lee were quickly buried by congratulatory messages for the new queen.

Check out some of the tweets below:

Madam ♥️

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