Search for Miss Uganda 2023 queen kicks off


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December 23, 2022

On wednesday this week, the fresh and new search for Miss Uganda 2023 queen was launched at Kampala Sheraton Hotel.

The search for this year’s queen will be conducted in different regions across Uganda including the North.

During the pageant launch different former queens such as the beautiful Stella Nantumbwe, Phiona Bizzu, Leah Kalanguka and the outgoing queen Elizabeth Kagaya, among others were all in attendance.

During the launch Miss Uganda boss Bre da Nanyonjo said because she has held the license to hold the show for 10 years, she decided to celebrate it by organizing it in a Reality TV kind-of format. This time, they will show you everything from the start on StarTimes.
She said, “It has not been an easy ride as you know it but what better way to celebrate the milestone than to bring it back to the people who thought Miss Uganda Show was for only for the high-End?

Nanyonjo thanked StarTmes for having noticed that Miss Uganda has one of the biggest brands in uganda to work with.

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