Seeking Miss DC Contestants for June 13


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Mon, Mar 8, 2021 at 9:00 AM

The Miss DC Organization, a non-profit organization in the District of Columbia, is an official preliminary to the 100-year-old Miss America pageant. Each year, we hold a competition to select a new Miss DC. We award $25,000 each year in academic cash scholarships to our contestants, with the new Miss DC receiving a $10,000 scholarship and the opportunity to represent DC at the televised Miss America Pageant (where the winner receives a $50,000 scholarship). There is no entry fee. Competition categories are Private Interview (35%), Talent (35%), On-Stage Interview/Community Service (15%) and Red-Carpet Evening Wear (15%). Contestants are not judged on physical appearance and there is no swimsuit or physical fitness phase. Contestants must have been born after December 31, 1994, must be at least 18 by June 12, 2021, and live, work full-time, or attend school full-time within the geographical limits of DC. Our deadline for accepting applications from prospective contestants is March 15. Contact and visit for more information.

Category: Community | Local

Date and Time: Sunday March 07, 2021 at 9:00 am to Monday March 15, 2021 at 5:00 pm


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