Sharon Obara crowned Miss World Kenya 2021


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Sunday, August 29, 2021
Sharon Obara. Thomas Matiko | Nation Media Group

By Thomas Matiko

Ms Sharon Obara was on Saturday night crowned the new Miss World Kenya at the colourful event held at The Trademark Hotel, Nairobi.

Ms Obara burst into tears when her name was called out by Mr and Miss World Kenya franchise Director Mrs Terry Mungai as the winner of Miss World Kenya 2021.

She had to beat 15 other contestants to take over the crown from Ms Maria Wavinya.

Ms Wavinya, who has been advocating for menstrual health, was crowned Miss World Kenya in 2019. She finished 12th at the Miss World finals the same year in the United Kingdom.

She had to extend her stay in office by a year, thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic that shook the world, making it impossible for the pageant to be held in 2020.

“When I took the reins, I had a feeling my time would be different, I’m glad to have been able to champion menstrual health by providing reusable sanitary towels to girls in informal settlements for two years. My time has been fulfilling and it’s now time to pass on the baton to someone else,” the outgoing Miss World Kenya told Nation.Africa.

Speaking moments before taking part in the coronation of Ms Obara, ICT Cabinet Secretary Joe Mucheru promised that his ministry would continue supporting the youth in various fields.

“Being my birthday today, there was no other place I would have loved to be than to be here to witness the beauty we have as a country. When I took over the ministry, I promised to champion for the welfare of the youths and I have been doing that by supporting various youth initiatives and projects such as this pageant. Kenya has the most vibrant youth in the continent as you saw the other day when we won the U-20 World Athletics Championships. This is the way to go,” Mr Mucheru said.

With the crown, Ms Obara will now represent the country at the Miss World finals in December in Puerto Rico where she will battle for the global title with other 141 contestants to stand a chance to walk away with Sh10 million.

For winning Miss World Kenya 2021, she took home the crown and Sh250,000 prize money.

Ms Chanton Kwamboka, who emerged the first runner up, was awarded Sh150,000 while the second runner up Mary Kwamboka pocketed Sh70,000.


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