Six Miss World Guam contestants to compete for crown, raise funds for charities


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Chloe B Babauta, Pacific Daily News Published 5:37 p.m. ChT Sept. 24, 2018

Miss World Guam 2016 Phoebe Palisoc passes the crown to this year's winner Destiny Cruz.

(Photo: Victor Consaga /For PDN)

Six young women will compete for the Miss World Guam 2018 title and crown, on Oct. 15.

The pageant is centered on service to the community, with its motto "Beauty with a Purpose."

More: Miss World Guam 2017 is Destiny Cruz

More: Get to know Miss World Guam 2017: Destiny Cruz

Each contestant chooses a nonprofit organization to raise funds for and volunteer.

Contestants share their chosen charities
At a Monday press conference, this year's pageant queen hopefuls shared which charities they chose and why.

Joleen Rankin is working with the Micronesian Resource Center, which provides services to empower Micronesians and creates opportunities for them to contribute to the community.

Gianna Camacho Sgambelluri chose the Guam Memorial Hospital Volunteers Association, to support the island's only public hospital.

Many Guam residents have to travel off island to receive medical care due to lack of funding for medical equipment at GMH, which Sgambelluri has experienced herself.

Mariana Quintanilla Kier is raising funds for Rainbows for All Children, a nonprofit peer support group for children, teens and adults experiencing life-altering crises or loss of a loved one.

The group is special to her because she has needed the kind of support it offers. Kier also plans to work as a therapist for children with emotional disabilities someday, which is in line with her charity's mission.

Cyndal Abad has volunteered for the Relay for Life for three years, and chose the American Cancer Society as her cause.

The fight against cancer is personal to Abad because two of her cousins died of cancer when they were children.

Grace Enriquez paired with Mañelu, a small nonprofit organization which matches children living in adversity with adult mentors.

Enriquez hopes to help children's development through working with Mañelu, to inspire them to reach their fullest potential.

"Beauty with a Purpose" award
The contestant who raises the most amount of money for her chosen charity wins the pageant's "Beauty with a Purpose" award.

This year, the pageant is introducing a new award: Best in Multimedia. The Miss Guam World organization will recognize the contestant who best utilizes social media to promote their charity, to spread as much awareness about their cause as possible.

The six contestants will also compete for:

Most Photogenic - voted by a team of professional photographers.
Top Model - voted by a panel of judges based on the Miss World Guam preliminary show, which will air a week before the pageant.
Miss Congeniality - voted among the contestants.
People's Choice Award - the public can vote for their favorite contestant through the Miss World Guam Facebook page, starting Sunday, Sept. 30 by "liking" their favorite contestant's photo.
Representing Guam in Miss World Final
The winner will represent Guam at the 2018 Miss World Final on Saturday, Dec. 8 in Sanya, China.

Miss World Guam 2018 contestants:

Joleen Rankin, 18, Sinajana. Charity: Micronesian Resource Center
Gianna Camacho Sgambelluri, 18, Barrigada. Charity: Guam Memorial Hospital Volunteers Association
Fantaysha Rioja, 21, Santa Rita. Charity: HunterSpeaks Autism Organization
Mariana Quintanilla Kier, 18, Sinajana. Charity: Rainbows for All Children
Cyndal Abad, 18, Dededo. Charity: American Cancer Society
Grace Enriquez, 24, Barrigada. Charity: Mañelu (formerly Big Brothers Big Sisters)
What: Miss World Guam 2018 pageant
When: Monday, Oct. 15, 2018. Doors open at 6 p.m., showtime at 7 p.m.
Where: Sheraton Laguna Guam Resort
Tickets: On sale for $40 and can be purchased from any of the Miss World Guam contestants, or call Audria Lizama at 482-5763.


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