Soldiers miss Iraqi deployment to compete in Miss America


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isabella khadem hosseini August, 06, 2021

An active soldier who recently won a state beauty contest has been given permission by his boss to miss a planned deployment in Iraq so he can compete in Miss America later this year.

Army specialist Maura Spence Carol, 21, was named Miss Colorado in June of this year, defeating 11 other women to win the prestigious title, and will be held nationwide in December. I got the right to participate in the tournament. ..

However, Maura, an intelligence analyst stationed in Fort Carson, Colorado, originally planned to leave for rotation in Iraq before Miss America began. Compete first.

“After I volunteered, my troops said,’I have to go to Miss America,'” the Queen of the Beauty Contest told Fox News, and the decision to exclude her from the manifesto was before she won. Explained that it was done in. Miss Colorado.

Queen: Active Duty Maura Spence-Carroll (right) has revealed that he will miss the planned deployment to Iraq to compete in Miss America after winning Miss Colorado.

Opposite: Maura, 21, originally from Texas, is stationed in Fort Carson, Colorado, joined the Army in 2018, and is now an intelligence analyst.

Passion: But the soldier depicted with Miss Colorado Teen has been competing on the pageant since she was a young teen and continues to pursue her love for competition.

“This was before I became Miss Colorado … so they didn’t put me in the manifest,” she added.

Maura is currently supporting the unit in preparation for overseas expansion, as well as preparing for the pageant in December. There, I would like to talk about the importance of mental health care in the military suffering from depression, anxiety and ADHD. ..

Her ADHD diagnosis was made only after she joined the Army in 2018 and relied on her medical team to support her mental health struggle.

“We now really need to work on mental health and show that a new generation of soldiers experiencing mental health care isn’t doing much and doesn’t feel scared of it. There is, “she said.

She currently publishes regularly about mental health care through her social media account. There she discusses her own diagnosis and how treatment has helped her improve her life.

Shortly before joining the Miss Colorado pageant, Maura explained that “the first 20 years of life” felt as if he had never done anything before.

Biting: Maura has vowed to use her new platform suffering from depression and ADHD to raise awareness of the importance of mental health care in the military.

Helper: Maura (taken at Fort Carson) was diagnosed with ADHD only after she joined the Army. She said it helped to completely change her life.

Heartache: Maura said she was photographed with other members of the unit and was encouraged to advocate mental health care in honor of her late sister who drowned in 2015.

“After all this work (promotion / work / preparation for deployment / preparation for Miss Colorado), I can honestly say that this is the first time in my life that I am proud of all the work I have done. I realized I could do it, “she wrote.

“Verification isn’t important because I know I’ve done it well. I spent the first 20 years of my life doubling my efforts to halve.” I was told that I could do great things.

“I completely ignored the fact that I felt struggling to keep my head on the water because of undiagnosed careless ADHD.”

She added:'[For 20 years] I thought I was the problem. I thought it was inherently bad. For years, teachers, counselors, and mentors have been punished for failing to reach the undefined “better” me … ”

But after joining the Army and seeking professional treatment, Maura said everything had changed, and she now knows she is “wired differently,” and as a result, her life. Does not look like a “neurotypical” person.

Maura acknowledges his candid attitude towards the mental health of his late sister, who died in a drowning accident at the age of five when she fell off the dock in 2015.

Sometimes: Soldiers know how painful it is to lose a family and say they want to prevent a military family from losing a loved one by suicide

From an early stage: Maura has been competing on pageants since she was 13 years old (left photo).

It is the memory of her younger brothers and the closeness they shared that the soldiers inspire her to speak in the hope of helping other members of the army have their own mental health problems. It is said that it is a good connection.

She explained to Fox News that she wanted to prevent other families from experiencing the tragedy of losing a loved one. We hope to achieve this by striving to eliminate soldier suicide.

‘[The loss of a loved one is] Heavy on your shoulders for the rest of your life, “she said. “I saw how my mother was suffering.”

Maura, who has been competing on the pageant since she was a teenager, enlisted in the Army after the first semester of college-if she signs, she can avoid the huge costs of her education and subsequent student debt. I realized I could do it, thanks to the military repayment support program.

However, the Soldier and Beauty Contest Queen was raised to show deep respect and appreciation to the army. That spirit was inherited by his late grandfather, Bob Boett, who worked for the Air Force’s military intelligence.

Currently serving in the Army for three years, the new platform as Miss Colorado will allow more awareness of the military’s mental health issues, while at the same time being different in beauty. I hope I can show it to others.

Soldiers miss Iraqi deployment to compete in Miss America


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