Such is the recent Miss Finland Viivi Altonen - a 23-year-old beauty from Tampere enjoys being single and reveals what kind of man she dreams of


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19/09/2020 23:14:05

Viivi Altonen from Tampere was crowned Miss Finland 2020 on Saturday night in Kerava. Altonen, 23, is studying social studies at university and dreams of a man making him laugh.

The long wait culminated tonight in Kerava, when ten more wonderful Miss Finland semi-finalists finally got to fight for the crown of Finland's most beautiful.

Finally, Viivi Altonen from Tampere was crowned Miss 2020 Finland.

Altonen was also chosen as an audience favorite.

- It feels great.

I could never have imagined.

This has been my dream for a long time, hard to even describe in words, Altonen glowed as he settled into the crown on his head in a miss chair and posed accustomed to the cameras.

Viivi Altonen was also awarded as an audience favorite. Photo: Lassi Rinne

Altonen participated in the Miss Finland competition for the first time already in 2016. At that time, however, Altonen withdrew from the competition in the last meters.

However, Altonen states that the four-year break did him good and he emphasizes that he is now more ready to carry the most beautiful crown in Finland.

- I had to grow a little then and learn from my mistakes.

Now I've done it and I got to Tan crown.

I'm extremely proud of myself.

As Miss Finland, I want to do as many representation tasks as possible.

Miss Universe competitions have been in my dreams for longer than I care to remember, probably since I was born, Altonen ponder after his victory.

- I am ready for anything and so excited for the future.

Back then, four years ago, I wouldn’t have been ready for all of this, but now I am.

I am so grateful to my parents and my whole family, she continued to becoming sensitive.

Altonen rejoiced in his victory after the results were solved. Photo: Lassi Rinne

One significant reason behind Altonen's suspension in 2016 was the drunk driving sentence that Altonen received when he was 18 years old.

In June 2015, the Pirkanmaa District Court sentenced Altonen to a four-month driving ban and to pay a 45-day fine, totaling 270 euros.

However, Altonen emphasizes that he is not ashamed of his past and states that he wants to be an example that it is possible to learn from his mistakes.

- It was a difficulty, but it has been overcome.

I believe that everyone deserves a second chance in life.

None of us is perfect.

But then I felt that after what happened so soon, I would not have been a good role model and role model for people.

I wanted to come here on the podium back straight and say that I have learned from my mistakes.

It was clearly the right decision, Altonen explained.

- But I really don't get behind the wheel anymore so that I would have even drunk a little.

I really learned through the heel.

I hope people can somehow identify with the fact that the past does not define sua.

I dared to come here, but it took a lot of me, he continued.

Altonen had one smile when he posed for the cameras after his victory. Photo: Lassi Rinne

Altonen, 23, is from Tampere, where he still lives.

Altonen studies social research at the University of Tampere and works as a salesperson in a local clothing store.

However, Altonen no longer intends to return to that job.

- Let's see how I can get everything organized.

There has been and will be such a rush here that something has to be left out.

Yes those at work know about this that if my boss here is listening, then yes he will surely understand that I may not be coming to work.

At least I already told him that it looks very awkward, Altonen laughed.

Altonen, crowned the most beautiful in Finland, reveals that he enjoys being single.

Although there are a lot of contacts on the fresh Miss Finland social media channels, Altonen has clear tones about what kind of partner she may dream of in the future.

- I look for men who are confident, purposeful, make me laugh and who go along with my spontaneous stuff, but with whom you can also discuss important things because it is important to me, Altonen describes his dream man.

Altonen's parents Kati and Tobias were also watching the final. Photo: Lassi Rinne

Altonen's parents Kati and Tobias were also present in the Miss Finland final.

The couple who came to Kerava from Tampere to watch the final were visually happy about their daughter's victory.

Indeed, they stated that Viivi had worked hard for his victory for a long time.

- Yes, for at least the last five years, Viivi has been training for this.

Yes, I believed in Viivi all the time.

She deserves this, even if of course all nine other gorgeous girls deserved the victory.

The only advice we gave Viivi was to be yourself.

She has done so, the mother of the fresh Miss Finland Kati was happy that the results were resolved.

- Finland will get a confident, outspoken but above all humble miss from Viivi, who will certainly be ready to work hard.

He has the will to develop both mentally and physically.

But maybe here you have to sleep one night before you realize what exactly has happened, Tobias stumbled next to him.


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