Sutherland's Valeria Baidakova is a NSW finalist in Miss Universe Australia 2023


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By Eva Kolimar Updated April 7 2023 - 12:23am

Valeria Baidakova, 24, is a first time pageant participant. Picture supplied

It's Sutherland meets Russia.

Valeria Baidakova, 24, will represent the shire as a NSW finalist in Miss Universe Australia 2023.

The young woman is chasing the pageant crown alongside 24 others in the state - a first for her, with no previous experience. But she hopes a bit of luck and poise will work in her favour.

The tech-savvy finalist who also works for an employment software company, is keen on boosting her self-confidence through the pageant platform.

"I thought why not give it a crack. The motivation for me is to push myself out of my comfort zone, in particular with public speaking, and I can tap into my feminine side," she said. "I'd also like to support causes including creating a sanctuary to help animals in need."

She is also undertaking a fundraising campaign for ToyBox Australia, a charity organisation committed to raising funds to support sick and disadvantaged children across Australia.

The NSW final of Miss Universe Australia is May 19.

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