Tamaryn Green shares advice for next Miss SA



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June 4, 2019 | by Lily Rose

CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA – JANUARY 26: Miss South Africa Tamaryn Green during the 2019 Sun Met Celebrated with G.H. Mumm at Kenilworth Racecourse on January 26, 2018 in Cape Town, South Africa. (Photo by Ziyaad Douglas/Gallo Images)

Tamaryn Green’s reign as Miss South Africa is coming to an end in a few months and her successor will have big shoes to fill
In keeping with the pageant’s sisterhood theme, the 24-year-old is sharing some important advice for the next Miss SA.

She says the next beauty queen should have a “serving heart” and be “passionate about empowering other women and girls”.

“It is hard to comprehend just how big the Miss South Africa platform is and the opportunities it offers the title holder. It is bigger than I ever could have imagined. I found myself in the position where my voice was heard. However, this comes with immense responsibility,” The Juice quoted her as saying.

Passion, drive and stamina are at the top of Tamaryn’s list of qualities Miss SA 2019 should have…
…but most importantly, don’t forget to be yourself.

“You need to shine as the best form of yourself. Always be authentic and talk and act from the heart. Don’t pretend to be something you are not.”

Tamaryn will hang up her crown on Women’s Day, August 9, when the pageant will name its new beauty queen.

It will be a life-changing moment for the winner – something Miss South Africa 2015 Liesl Laurie knows all too well
“The moment my name was announced as Miss South Africa 2015 my life changed forever. A girl’s lifelong dream came true and the following day a woman’s reality began. It was a reality where the most magical Cinderella story started – from Eldorado Park to the world.

“My reign as Miss SA will always be one of the most important chapters of my life and that of many people from my township,” she said when this year’s campaign was launched last month.



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