Thai beauty queen wins leadership award at Miss Universe pageant


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Monday, 16 Jan 2023 11:34 AM MYT

JKN CEO Jakkaphong 'Anne' Jakrajutatip presenting the award to Anna. - The Nation

BANGKOK (The Nation/Asia News Network): Thai beauty queen Anna Sueangam-iam won the Transformational Leadership Award at the Miss Universe pageant in New Orleans on Saturday (Jan 14) night, even though she failed to make the final round of 16 contestants.

It was the first time the award was presented as a collaboration between the Miss Universe pageant and ImpactWayv, a global social impact platform that says it unites people, businesses and nonprofits to accelerate their collective impact.

JKN CEO Jakkaphong 'Anne' Jakrajutatip presented the award to Anna.

JKN acquired the Miss Universe pageant on Oct 25 for 800 million baht. It announced plans to grow the brand by 40% as part of its effort to become a major player in the global content industry.

American beauty queen R'Bonney Gabriel was crowned Miss Universe on Saturday night (Sunday morning Bangkok time) in New Orleans. Representatives from Venezuela and the Dominican Republic, Amanda Dudamel and Andreína Martínez, were named first and second runners-up, respectively.

Gabriel was born in Houston, Texas to a Filipino father, Remigio Gabriel, and an American mother, Dana Walker. She has three older brothers.

She graduated from the University of North Texas with a bachelor's degree in fashion design. She now works as a designer creating eco-friendly clothing, and as a model.


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