Thanh Trang to judge Miss All Nations Pageant 2018 in China


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Friday, 08/10/2018, 17:31

VOV.VN -Thanh Trang has been invited to judge the Miss All Nations Pageant 2018 in China.

thanh trang to judge miss all nations pageant 2018 in china hinh 0 Trang said she will fly to China to attend a press conference for the beauty pageant in mid-August.
The final night is scheduled to take place in December.

According to its official Facebook page, the annual Miss All Nations Pageant aims to promote ecotourism and environmental protection.

Previously, Vietnam sent three representatives to the event, Ngoc Van, who finished 8th in 2015, and Lai Thanh Huong, who came 15th in 2016. Trang was the second runner-up at the Miss All Nations Pageant 2017.

Trang, 25, is 1.74 meters tall and measures 88-62-99.

She contested her first ever beauty pageant in 2017’s Miss Universe Vietnam, where Trang could only finish in the top 70 due to her lack of experience.


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