The Beauty of a Miss Universe Pageant in Israel


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AUGUST 16, 2021 12:25 PM by Elder of Ziyon


Miss Universe 2016 Iris Mittenaere of France. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.

Israel is slated to host the Miss Universe pageant this coming December.

Last year’s winner wasn’t Miss Israel. But the pageant decided that Israel was the best place to hold the event anyway.

In July (before the resurgence of Covid-19), it was reported that:

Paula Shugart, the president of the Miss Universe organization, said Israel has been on the pageant’s shortlist of host countries “for a number of years due to its rich history.”

“As we sought a location for our 70th anniversary celebration, it became clear through our conversations with acting mayor Lankri (of Eilat) and the Israeli Ministry of Tourism that Israel, which has done a good job containing the global pandemic, has the best resources to host Miss Universe in December,” Shugart told Insider.

“We look forward to deepening our commitment to creating meaningful cultural conversation, connection, and understanding through this partnership,” she added

The Miss Universe Organization said contestants will “explore the rich history and culture of Israel” in the weeks leading up to the competition with visits to the Dead Sea, Jerusalem, and Tel Aviv.

The pageant really wants to be in Israel. And when they say Jerusalem, they aren’t talking about any sections within the Green Line.

Of course, the haters tried to make a hashtag #BoycottMissUniverse, which fizzled quickly. They are also trying to claim that Israel targets Palestinian women, which is the sort of insanity that can’t stand up to the slightest scrutiny.

And don’t forget the rich diversity of Israel’s women and beauty pageant contestants, such as the first Black Miss Israel.


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