The double standard of Chris Vincent on Miss Ghana ‘Sex bias’ scandal


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Thursday, 21 December 2017 

The most trending entertainment story this week without a spec of doubt is about harrowing experiences shared by some former beauty queens of Miss Ghana with CEO of Exclusive Events, Inna Patty, and her management before, during and after the prestigious Miss Ghana beauty pageant.

It must be known that it's on record, this isn’t the first time negative allegations are being leveled against organizers of the most prestigious beauty pageant in Ghana. As a matter of fact, five years ago, in 2012, multiple award winning Ghanaian actress Yvonne Okoro accused the organizers of cheating-sex biases and vote rigging.

5 years ago, editor of online entertainment news portal, Chris Vincent Febiri insulted Yvonne Okoro when she suggested these same issues.

He wrote on his website “I wonder why it has taken this long for several people to notice that Yvonne Okoro is another deluded actress parading her ignorance around, thinking she is the best thing to ever happen to the African movie industry.I loathe spending time on acute mentally constipated individuals like Yvonne Okoro except when it is absolutely unavoidable.

When I published my article titled ‘My Thoughts: Why Roseline Okoro Should Not and Would Not Win Miss Ghana 2012’, Yvonne Okoro like many semi-educated individuals who cannot respect the opinions of others or get involved in substantive discussions without insulting took to Twitter to call me names like Lame.


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