The new Miss Lebanon looks just like her most famous predecessor: 1971's Miss Universe


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The similarity between the two is drawing attention on social media, and building up hope that Miss Lebanon will win Miss Universe this year for only the second time ever

Nyree McFarlane - October 1, 2018

Maya Reaidy holds her crown after winning the Miss Lebanon 2018 competition at Forum de Beyrouth in Beirut, Lebanon September 30, 2018. Photo / Reuters

A new Miss Lebanon has been crowned, with Lebanese American University Pharmacy student Maya Reaidy, 22, taking home the honours at a ceremony in Beirut last night.

She wore a beautiful feathered dress by Lebanese designer Nicolas Jebran - who dressed all of the contestants on the night, and was on the judging panel alongside Nancy Ajram and the current Miss Universe, Miss South Africa, Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters.

epa07060480 Lebanese Maya Reaidy (C) poses after winning the Miss Lebanon 2018 beauty pageant, next to Lebanese-American actress Miss USA 2010 Rima Fakih (R) and Miss Universe 2017 Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters (L) at forum De Beirut in Beirut, Lebanon, 30 September 2018. EPA/NABIL MOUNZER
epa07060480 Lebanese Maya Reaidy (C) poses after winning the Miss Lebanon 2018 beauty pageant, next to Lebanese-American actress Miss USA 2010 Rima Fakih (R) and Miss Universe 2017 Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters (L) at forum De Beirut in Beirut, Lebanon, 30 September 2018. EPA/NABIL MOUNZER
Maya Reaidy will now go on to compete in Miss Universe in December in Bangkok: the only time a Lebanese pageant queen has won Miss Universe was in 1971 with Georgina Rizk. Many people have taken to social media to share photos of Reaidy and Rizk in 1971 to point out how similar they look (and pointing out that they hope this is a sign that Lebanon will take home the universal crown again):


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